

SPC Network is committed to meeting accessibility requirements

Page structure and style

This site is built with valid HTML. Our content is properly structured, using headings and paragraphs. The site is usable with stylesheets disabled if you prefer, or with your own stylesheet.

Text size

Usually, the ‘View’ menu of your browser will contain commands for changing text size. Some browsers allow you to change text size using the control (or command) key and the + and - keys (or the mouse wheel if you have one).

Other accessibility issues


Our website does not include frames (i.e., separate sections of the display area that are generated from different webpages).


Our website provides equivalent text for images that convey information.


Our website does not rely on color to convey information.

PDF (Portable Document Format)

Some material on our website is provided in PDF Format, and can be accessed using software such as Adobe Reader.

The Adobe Acrobat Accessibility site has more information.

Scripts, applets and plug-ins

Our website does not rely on applets (i.e., programs designed to be executed from within another program) or plug-ins (i.e., programs that add features to a standard browser), and the use of javascript has been limited.

More information

AbilityNet has more information on their website at http://www.abilitynet.org.uk/myway/